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muscle floofy
  PokerDoc88, Dec 19 2009

Been reading this thread about a guy with social awkwardness, he's basically the bodybuilding equivalent of floofy. There's vids of him being really random around girls, it's pretty funny.

There's another thread about his first date, but after reading the story, honestly I think it's just one big level (funny nevertheless).

Random stuff about my life recently: I've been going on runs recently, I think it's good to do regular exercise. Helps you sleep and maintain focus in other aspects of life eg. poker.

Speaking of poker, I've started playing again after a long hiatus. I've been 12 tabling 25nl 6max, after 30k hands I'm running @ 4.5ptbb/100. And honestly I don't think I've been running hot, if anything I may be running slightly below expectation. I should move up to 50nl, I'm definitely rolled for it, but I feel like I should grind out another 30k hands at 25nl considering I feel so comfortable, and to see whether I can maintain a 4-5ptbb/100 winrate.

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Return to poker
  PokerDoc88, May 01 2009

Ok so I'm pretty quiet with poker-related updates, mainly because I haven't played much lately (ie. for almost a year). I cashed out most of my bankroll, left myself $500 to grind and decided I'd try 10nl just to start to ease myself back. I didn't play too many hands because of thesis (read previous blog post), hopefully I can consistently grind in May and play 100k hands.

Here is over-all April result:

Here are results for April at 10nl fullring:

25nl fullring was too nitty for my liking, so after roughly 15k hands running at only 3.5ptbb/100 I decided to switch to 6max and that has been pretty fruitful, +8bi in 2.5k hands.

Br currently 1.3k. I'll stick to 25nl until I'm at 1.5k, then I'll grind 50nl until 3k. Hopefully I'm at 3k and hitting 100nl by the end of May.

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Thesis finished :)
  PokerDoc88, Apr 21 2009

After a week-long grueling marathon of writing, my thesis is finally finished. Technically it's my final draft, but I have little intention of going back and changing it unless my supervisor deems it absolutely neccesary.

I estimate I spent about 100 hours, give or take 10 hours, researching and writing this thesis. Another 100 hours spent on doing the lab work to collect the data, and about 150 extra hours again spent doing extraneous lab work for my supervisor which was not related to my personal work.

The gay thing is, to get my medicine degree this research year was necessary. For some reason, my university thinks it's a wise idea for all future doctors to do a year of research -.-. If we had wanted to do research, we'd have chosen BioMed and elected to do a PhD.

If you want to view my work, feel free to download it using the following link, although I don't expect any one to actually spend more than 5 minutes (or 1) reading it.

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